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Raising the achievement of All


At Icknield High School, we are dedicated to helping young people create a foundation that will allow them to prosper after they graduate and look forward to a thriving and enduring career life.

“We are delighted to have achieved the national Quality in Careers Standard using the Career Mark approach provided by Complete Careers.”

Quality in Careers Standard Award 


Our students have access to high quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), a comprehensive programme with the following aims:

  • Raise student aspirations and support them in exploring the wealth of opportunities beyond high school.
  • Support students in exploring their KS4 & KS5 options and choosing an appropriate post-16 & post-18 destination.
  • Support students’ development of employability skills and their understanding of the labour market.
  • Give a wider and relevant context for learning.
  • Close the gap between disadvantaged students and others.
  • Avoid disengagement and prevent NEETS (young person who is not in employment, education or training)

By the end of Year 11, we hope that our students will be confident and prepared to begin their post-16 transition and go on to fulfil their potential and achieve their goals.

Using the Gatsby framework, our CEIAG sets out to meet the 8 benchmarks that define world class career guidance.


Benchmark 1 - A stable careers programme

Benchmark 2 - Learning from career and labour market information

Benchmark 3 - Addressing the needs of each pupil

Benchmark 4 - Linking learning curriculum to careers

Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees

Benchmark 6 – Experience of workplaces

Benchmark 7 – Encounters with further and higher education

Benchmark 8 - Personal Guidance


Information for Students

Information for Parents & Carers - Supporting Your Child in Making Post 16 Decisions & SEND Resources

Destination Figures

Information for Staff

Information For Employers and Businesses

Measuring Impact


Contact Information


Benchmark 1 – A stable careers programme


Follow the link to read our full CEIAG Policy: CEIAG Policy

Baker Clause

The school ensures students have access to a variety of providers to learn about education and training offers, including technical education and apprenticeships. A number of events are integrated into our careers programme to offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers.

Follow the link to read our Provider Access Policy: Provider Access Policy

Overview of our whole school careers programme:

All Year Groups

  • National Apprenticeship Week
  • National Careers Week
  • Updates on labour market information and opportunities
  • Industry and alumni talks
  • PSHE – exploring iCould, National Careers Service, Amazing Apprenticeships

Year 7

  • National Apprenticeship Week
  • National Careers Week
  • Updates on labour market information and opportunities
  • Industry and alumni talks
  • PSHE – exploring iCould, National Careers Service, Amazing Apprenticeships

Year 8

  • Event(s) for providers of technical education/apprenticeships, including further education colleges, training providers etc.
  • The Big Bang Science Fair UK
  • PSHE – Developing interview skills (body language), practise interviews

Year 9

  • Event(s) for providers of technical education/ apprenticeships, including further education colleges, training providers etc.
  • GCSE options assemblies
  • GCSE options fair
  • Career guidance meeting
  • World Skills Show UK (subject to availability)
  • University visits – taster days & conferences
  • Tenner Challenge
  • STEM Club
  • PSHE – Exploring the labour market, employability skills, exploring interests and motivations, GCSE options support

Year 10

  • Luton Sixth Form Experience Day
  • PwC Office Visit
  • University visits – taster days & conferences
  • Wadham Project & University of Oxford Visit
  • Mock interviews with local employers

Year 11

  • Career guidance meeting
  • Assemblies with post-16 providers
  • College open days attended by students (virtual and/or in person visits)
  • Post-16 provider stalls at parents evening
  • Post-16 application support sessions (book with Miss Lam)
  • PSHE – Mock applications, writing personal statements, interview skills 

Learning outcomes

1. Grow throughout life – learning and reflecting on yourself, background & strengths.

2. Explore possibilities – understanding what is open to you and learning about recruitment processes and the culture of different workplaces.

3. Manage career – being active and making the most of opportunities and learning from setbacks.

4. Create opportunities - being proactive and building positive relationships with others.

5. Balance life and work – understanding to how balance life as a worker with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and the community.

6. See the big picture - paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career. 

All year groups will also have access to additional career talks, workshops and inspiration events as opportunities are released by providers throughout the year.


If you are a provider requesting access, please contact Miss J. Lam on 01582 576561 or email


Benchmark 2 – Learning from career and labour market information


Post 16 Information

Effective since the 2013/2014 academic year, the Government established the law that all young people must remain in education or training until they reach 18 years of age. So what options are available for our student and how can we prepare them?

The start of Year 11 marks a crucial time, to begin careful consideration of potential routes after high school. Whether it is A Levels, vocational qualifications or apprenticeships; what better way to explore options than visiting some of the local post 16 providers.

The Luton Careers Hub has launched the ‘Luton Post 16 Prospectus’, an interactive guide with plenty of useful information and advice for students to learn about their next steps after high school. This includes: 

  • Pathways available
  • Open day events
  • Apprenticeships and jobs
  • Key tips and preparing for the world of work
  • CVs
  • Course listings
  • Information about School Sixth Forms and Colleges in Luton
  • Advice for learners with an EHCP or additional support needs


Please visit the link and make use of this fantastic tool:


College & Sixth Form Open Days & Assemblies 2023/2024

Colleges & Sixth Forms are now hosting a series of open days, inviting students and parents/carers to see what they have to offer and answer any questions they may have.

Follow the link for a list of local Open Days, tutors should also have a copy displayed in class. Some colleges may require you to book your place to attend, should this be the case, please register on their website (links are included in the list).

Students will also be able to meet some of the providers, during our school assemblies. College and Sixth Form representatives are invited to help students gain a better overview of what their establishments have to offer and will advise students on important information, i.e. entry requirements and application deadlines. Apprenticeship information will be delivered by our partners at SEMLEP


Year 11 Post-16 Assemblies (2023)

Thur 28th Sept


Oaklands College

Thur 5th Oct


Chalk Hills Sixth Form (The Shared Learning Trust)

Thur 12th Oct


Barnfield College

Thur 19th Oct


Bedford/Central Bedfordshire College

Thur 2nd Nov


Luton Sixth Form

Thur 30th Nov



Thur 7th Dec


Cardinal Newman Sixth Form


Growing increasingly popular, apprenticeships are the alternative to the traditional college pathway. Working alongside experienced staff, apprentices will gain practical training and job specific skills development, whilst given time to study for their role (usually once a week). Whilst training with a provider, apprentices will also be entitled to earn a wage and receive holiday pay; earn as you learn.

Students have the chance to attend apprenticeship fairs and will receive related resources i.e. live apprenticeship vacancies, through their tutors and their school email, so please be alert! 

For more information on what it means to be an apprentice and how to apply, please visit the following sites:


National Careers Week

National Careers Week (NCW) is the annual celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The week focuses on empowering students and staff in using CEIAG materials and learning about the world of employment and further learning.

Click here to see how our students celebrated NCW – National Careers Week (March 2018)

Average Point Scores (APS)

From 2017, schools will no longer be assessing GCSEs using the A*-G grading system, instead we are progressing to the 9-1 point scale (9 = 9 points, 1 = 1 point).

See below for the numerical equivalent of the old system:

New Grading Structure (9-1)

Old Grading Structure (A*-G)




















Students can work out their attainment scores, simply by adding all their points and dividing by the number of GCSE subjects they have taken.

Entry requirements to colleges/sixth forms are all based on this new system, e.g. to apply for A-Levels you must achieve a minimum GCSE score of 4.2. Entry requirements may vary, so please check with the post 16 provider.

For more information on this new numerical system, please visit:

Labour Market Information

Labour market information is important in keeping us up to date with the current economic and employment climate. The data allows us to see the growing industries predicted to expand their work force and the sort of labour available now and in the future. Students can use this information to forecast what job prospects are on the rise, average salaries and wages and what it could mean for their career plans.

The following are some useful website you could use to access labour market information:

“…providing career inspiration and information for young people. We show what is possible in work and offer different ways to think about careers…” - A simple to use and informative site, you can find out about average salaries in various fields and their past and future employment levels. Take the Buzz Quiz to find out which job best matches your strengths. They also offer advice to parents on how to best support their child through career planning.


“…provides information, advice and guidance across England to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.” – A straightforward and effective site, you will be able to browse through over 800 job profiles and find out about the skills/qualifications needed for the role, what the work is like, average salaries and wages and what the career prospects are.


“…experts in UK higher education data and analysis.” – Hesa is an organisation that collects, processes, and publishes data about higher education (HE) in the UK. Through this site, you can track the progress of HE graduates, the fields they have gone on to work in and the salaries they are making since leaving University.


Potential Pathways after High School


Employability Skills in Demand - January 2019

Benchmark 3 – Addressing the needs of each pupil


Careers Sessions

Our compass evaluation is completed regularly to ensure our CEIAG provision meets the needs and aspirations of our students.

Students receive careers guidance in Year 8 and Year 11, delivered 1:1 and in small groups, where they can explore their education and career options and address any questions or challenges they have. Tailored support and plans are offered to students with additional needs.

The school also keeps accurate records of student aspirations, activities and post-16 destinations, allowing us and students to monitor their career development throughout their time at Icknield.

Students will receive a certificate at the end of Year 11 detailing all the careers-related events they have participated in.

Benchmark 4 – Linking curriculum learning to careers


To help raise awareness of future opportunities, students take part in subject workshops, employer talks and visits to job fairs and work places, making links between their school learning and the many exciting career paths it can lead to.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)

STEM education is crucial since science, technology, engineering and maths affects practically all area of our lives. By introducing students to STEM, it gives them the chance to explore STEM-related concepts and develop an interest and passion, which could lead them onto a rewarding and fulfilling career in the STEM field.

Our STEM club, led by Ms S. Malik (Science) and Ms M. McCreadie (Maths), offer many activities and challenges which aim to help students cultivate problem solving skills and develop their knowledge, whilst building their confidence in conducting practicals and experiments.

Activities include:

  • Designing ping pong ball launchers – developing problem solving skills & introduction to physics behind projecting objects
  • Creating wind turbines - how the number of blades, affect the energy produced
  • Methane bubbles experiment - studying the different types of combustion
  • Biomechanical hands & building models – how locomotor and the organs in the hand work together to cause movement
  • Investigating epidemics and how they spread
  • Spaghetti & marshmallow tower challenge – competition in building the tallest building using the 2 materials, exploring how structures are built and how to increase stability
  • Exploring how the world works through chemical reactions

Follow these links to see our recent STEM events:

Show list Show Grid

Growing People

The Growing People diagram allows us to explore how curriculum areas are embedding career related activities and skills into classroom learning. Click here to see how students are developing employability skills in class.

Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees


Employer engagement is essential to our CEIAG programme, we believe that students have far better success after high school, when they have had encounters with post 16 providers and employers. These interactions, not only keep our students informed of opportunities but also promotes employability, and strengthens motivation for career progression.

Year 7 Careers Networking Events

Our Year 7 and Year 8 students take part in speed career networking events, meeting with a series of diverse local employers for quick 1:1 sessions. For 5 minutes, students get to delve into the background of our guests, profiling their job role and exploring the motivation behind their work; when time is up, our pupils move on to the next employer.

These events introduces our less experienced students to professional interaction and sets the tone for them to begin thinking about their own career plans.

Click here to read about our Year 7 careers networking event – Year 7 Careers Networking Event

Career Events

Our students have the opportunity to take part, in some of the nation’s biggest skills and careers events. The occasions allow for students to participate in a variety of employability activities and engage with local and national employers, supporting them in developing a more informed insight on routes into jobs and jobs of the future.

Click on the following links to read about our recent careers trips:

Show list Show Grid

Benchmark 6 – Experience of workplaces


Workplace Visits

Starting from September 2017, the school will no longer be taking part in the work experience scheme. With workplace learning remaining an important part of our programme, we will be delivering it in a direction that will better invest, in the significant relationship between curriculum learning and careers.

Our students will attend career/interest-specific trips with staff, to visit local and national employers linked to curriculum subjects. Employers will take the group for a tour and discuss the inner workings of their company, work place expectations and answer questions. Pupils will also be able to interact with employees and get an insight on the demands and qualities needed to work in a professional organisation.

Workplace visits are a fantastic method to encourage students to achieve high standards in their learning, as it contextualises future opportunities with their subjects. It highlights the importance of their education and demonstrates how they can capitalise on the skills and knowledge, they have or are developing in high school.

Please click on the following links to read about our recent work place visits:

easyJet LLA visit 2023

PwC Programm - Virtual Workshop Workplace_Visit 2022

With the recent developments of COVID-19, virtual work experience has become a popular alternative to providing work place experiences to students in a safe, convenient and efficient manner. Companies have created programmes where students can visit and explore their base to learn more about the inner workings of a business, ask questions and take part in tasks all in the comfort of their own space.

Barclays Lifeskills offer their own virtual work experience on their website. Students will be led through a video, where they will be taken through a day at a company. The actors will speak directly to the screen as if the students were really there and students will be able to ask questions and complete a variety of problem-solving tasks as if they were on placement.

If you wish to explore this feature, you can sign up via the link below. Students and parents can set up their own individual accounts and make use of the various career resources available on their website.

Barclays Lifeskills – Virtual Work Experience

Benchmark 7 – Encounters with further and higher education


University Workshops & Visits

Students have the opportunity to visit numerous well-known universities, from subject tasters at the University of Bedfordshire to participating in the Pathway programme at the University of Oxford.

These visits allow for students of all backgrounds to get a glimpse of life in higher education and encourage our students to begin contemplation, on whether University is the right path for them. These are fantastic motivational experiences, which have proven to boost aspirations and attainment in school.

Examples of University workshops/events our students will attend include:

  • Computing & IT Taster days
  • Engineering Masterclasses
  • STEM & Forensic Science Sessions led by University professors/academics

Click on the following links to read about our recent visits to further and higher education providers:



Benchmark 8 – Personal Guidance


Career Guidance Sessions

All students are entitled to quality impartial career guidance that promotes diversity, equality and inclusivity. Our career sessions are delivered 1:1 and in small groups (organised into occupational fields, where students sign up to one that matches their interests).
All Year 11 students will receive their guidance session from October of their final year in school. Pupils will receive up to date labour market information and counsel on their career of interest and explore the occupational/academic options available.

It is important to clarify that the sessions are focused on exploring ideas and supporting students in considering their post-16 options. In order to make an informed career decision, students must assume an active role that includes committing to do their own research, reflecting on the information, discussing their plans with their family and practise setting goals.
Application support sessions are also available, students can email Miss J. Lam to set up an appointment. Miss J. Lam will also send out important updates and useful resources to students’ emails on a regular basis.

To inspire students to start thinking about careers, we encourage them to explore their interests and skills. Prospects offers a career planner quiz, which allows users to reflect on these areas and offers suggestions of compatible careers. Follow this link to register for an account and access the quiz – Prospects Career Planner

Follow the link for a closer look at our past career guidance sessions - Career Sessions – November 2017



T-Levels are a new 2 year technical qualification that you can take after GCSE and is an alternative to A Levels, BTECS, apprenticeships and other 16-19 course.

T-Levels Facts:

  • T-Levels are equivalent to 3 A-Levels and focuses on developing students’ vocational skills that can help them into skilled employment, university study or apprenticeships.
  • 80% time will be spent in the classroom learning theory and practical skills and 20% will be spent on an industry placement (315 hours on placement/around 45 days).
  • Designed by employers to ensure students are learning the skills industries are looking for.
  • T-Levels attracts UCAS tariff points, allowing students to apply for higher education after.
  • Students will need to achieve GCSE or Functional Skills maths and English.
  • Classroom learning will take place at a school, college or with a training provider. Depending on the T-Level, this is likely to include development of practical skills in specialist facilities. The industry placement will take place directly with an employer.
  • T-Levels are available in England and the rollout starts with a small number of providers, increasing over the next few years.
  • Starting from September 2021, there will be 10 T-Level courses you can choose from.
  • All T-Levels will be available from 2023.

For more information, visit the links below:

What Are T Levels? - Film

Watch this short film that highlights all the key information you need to know about T-Levels. Featuring a range of teachers, careers advisers, students and employers.

T-Levels – Welcome to the Next Level

Learn more about T-Levels and use the resources directly from the government website.

T-Level subjects

See the phasing of T-Levels and the subjects that are and will become available in the coming years:

Where can you study T-Levels?

T-Levels are only available with selected providers; this will gradually increase over the next few years. Find your nearest T-Level provider.

Information for Students

The school aims to support you in developing the skills you need for life and employment. You will be given the chance to meet employers, attend career fairs and workshops, as well as university and work place visits. You will also receive regular updates on careers information and local opportunities either in class or through your school email; please make sure you check your inbox regularly so you don’t miss out!

We are committed to helping you realise your potential so that you can do what you love when you leave school, however it is important that you take responsibility for your career plan and work towards the goals you set.

One way to do this, is to research, familiarise and keep yourself up to date with what is available in the education and working world. Take advantage of the events and trips offered in school and make use of the resources sent out to you and on this page.

Sixth Form & College Websites

Visit some of the websites for our local providers and explore what they have to offer, their entry requirements and application deadlines.

Advice on Choosing Your Post-16 Course(s)

When deciding on which sixth form/college course(s) to study, it’s important to find out which qualification(s) would be most suitable for you. Explore advice and find out what subjects you can take to pursue your dream career.

A Guide to Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are quickly becoming a popular alternative to the traditional college and university pathway. Use the PowerPoint and the links provided to gain a better understanding on what apprenticeships are and how you can apply.


T-Levels – Welcome to the Next Level 

As of September 2020, T-Levels became available as a new qualification you can take after your GCSE. Designed to get you work ready, T-Levels are equivalent to 3 A-Levels and combines classroom study with industry placements. Follow the link to learn more about T-Levels.

A Guide to Writing Post-16 Applications

Find out what may be asked on a sixth form/college application and important advice you should follow in order to write a good application.

How to Succeed At: Writing CVs and Job Applications 

Enrol on this free 3 week course for support on writing exceptional CVs, applications, covering letters and personal statements. You will also hear from employers and university admissions tutors to find out what they really look for in a candidate. The course is designed by career experts at University of Sheffield. Click the link to see the course content and the next available date you can enrol.

Preparing for Interviews

Interviews can often be a nerve-wracking experience for a lot of people but once you are aware of what to expect and how you can prepare, it makes it a lot less daunting. Use the PowerPoint for preparation advice.

Post-16 Interview - Practise Questions

Have an interview coming up? Practise answering some common questions that could come up with your family or friends.

How to Succeed At: Job Interviews – Free Online Course 

Enrol on this free 3 week online course to prepare you for a successful job interview. The course is designed by career experts at University of Sheffield and is aimed to prepare for you the big day. Click the link to see the course content and the next available date you can enrol.

A Guide to Creating Your CV

An effective CV is crucial to securing an apprenticeship and a job. Use the PowerPoint to understand the sections, format and key words that will make your CV professional and stand out.


Improving Employability

Employability skills are based on knowledge, technical skills and attitude and are skills which employers highly value in their employees. When considering candidates for the job, employers will want to know what employability skills you have and expect you to evidence this.  

Top 10 Employability Skills in Demand

Explore the top 10 employability skills most desired by employers. Find your strengths as well as areas you feel you’ll need to work on.

What Can I Do To Improve My Employability?

The working world is very competitive. How can you stand out from the crowd and impress employers? Find ways in which you can boost your employability.


Labour Market Information (LMI) – Useful Websites to Explore Careers & Industries

Labour market information (LMI) is information about the world of work. It could be information on what different jobs are like, what are the average salaries, skills and qualifications needed for the career and current economic and employment patterns. It could come in form of a job profile, an article, a video or even spoken directly from an employer/employee. You will be offered LMI in different ways at school.

Employability and Labour Market Resources

Use these LMI websites and videos to help you understand how to boost your employability and give you an insight into the current world of work.

Exploring Careers by Industries

If you already have a career in mind or would like information on specific industries, use these LMI websites which have been sorted into career fields.


Deadline for College & Sixth Form Applications (2024/2025)




With the majority of local sixth forms & colleges having moved to online applications, Year 11 students will receive links to use to apply. Links will be sent to students and parents via Edulink.


If students apply online, they must inform Miss Lam about their submission so we can support with sending off accompanying data to support the application.


For providers that are still using hardcopy applications, we will endeavour to send them out to students during tutor time. This will be for our local colleges and sixth forms only. You can usually find copies of the applications on the sixth form/colleges’ websites too, which you can download and print off yourself.


Our internal deadline to submit applications is Monday 13th January 2025.


PLEASE NOTE: some sixth forms and colleges (i.e. Redborne Sixth Form) may have earlier deadlines, it is students’ responsibility to check with the provider of their interest, to ensure they submit their applications on time.


You can email Miss J. Lam or Mr K. Ahmed for further guidance.

Information for Parents & Carers - Supporting Your Child in Making Post 16 Decisions & SEND Resources

With rapid changes happening in education and work, it can be challenging for parents and carers to keep up to date on how they can support their child, in making important decisions. The following section aims to provide parents with advice and information on how to best accompany their child on their post 16 journey:

Careers Advice for Parents -

A much recommended and useful starting point for parents, to explore informative and up to date advice on careers and careers options. The website looks at a broad range of topics, from Choices at 16, “Is It a Good Idea to Get a Degree?” to Money Matters and Understanding the Job Market.

The site also offers guidance to parents of children with SEN or EHC plans, providing clear guidelines and other useful links.

Parent Adviser -

Parent Adviser helps to simplify the confusing process and finances involved in applying to higher education, helping your child choose the right course, league tables and alternatives to college and university. You can also sign up to the Parent Adviser Community and join the forum to discuss issues and share advice with fellow parents/carers.

Parental Guidance -

Parental Guidance offers clear, concise and impartial information on the post 16 choices available. Led by experienced careers writers and advisers, this website is a helpful guide to parents, with useful articles, news and updates, from preparing applications and interviews to looking at labour market information.

Barclays Lifeskills

Barclays Lifeskills aims to support students in developing the skills and experiences needed to enter the world of work. The website offers a range of employability resources and tools for students, parents and teachers, from confidence building to interview preparation and finance management. They also offer virtual work experience and virtual interviews, allowing users to take part in the comfort of their own home. To access some of their features, you may need to create an account, this is a quick and easy process and will allow students and parents to stay up to date with their resources.

Success At School

A comprehensive and engaging website for parents and students to explore careers, learn more about top employers, and read advice on applying for jobs and university. The organisation offers a variety of career resources to support students’ personal and professional development and even tools such as CV builders and CV samples.


SEND Resources

Contact (For Families with Disabled Children)Education Beyond 16 

Support for families in England, including information and advice on preparing for adulthood, options after your child turns 16, EHC plans after 16 and many more useful guides.

GOV.UKHelp and Support For Young Disabled People To Find and Stay in Work 

A government published guidance, providing links to websites that help young disabled people find and stay in work place. Aimed at young disabled people, their parents and the professionals who work with them.

Careers Resources for Your Family

A collection of ideas to support young people and their families in thinking about the world of work. Resources can be used independently by a young person, though others may need a little support to get started.


Labour Market Information (LMI) – Useful Websites to Explore Careers & Industries

For up to date information on educational pathways, industries and careers, please make use of the following labour market resources:

Employability and Labour Market Resources

A selection of LMI websites and videos that you can use with your child to access career resources and services. The links aims to increase the user’s understanding of the world of work, post-16 opportunities and support the development of employability skills.

Exploring Careers by Industries

If you would like information on a specific industry or career, this selection of websites have been organised into sectors, containing links to a variety of reputable sources that you may find useful in supporting your child’s career journey.


Deadline for College & Sixth Form Applications (2024/2025)



All Year 11 students should receive hardcopy applications to our local colleges and sixth forms, with electronic copies sent to students’ school emails. If there are issues accessing this and students require extra copies, they can contact their tutor or email Miss J. Lam at
Please be aware that many colleges have moved online with their prospectuses and applications. If students have applied online, they must inform Miss Lam about their submission.

PLEASE NOTE: Most deadlines specified by the providers are within the same time frame; we endeavour to submit all applications with plenty of time before these deadlines. However, some colleges and sixth forms (i.e. Redborne Sixth Form) may have earlier deadlines, it is then the students’ responsibility to check with the provider of their interest, to ensure they submit their applications on time.

Students can email Mr K. Ahmed or Miss J. Lam for further guidance.

Questions & Feedback


Questions and feedback are always welcomed, so if you have any comments to share about our recent events or if you would like help in any area of your child’s careers education and development please feel free to contact Miss J. Lam at


 Destination Figures

Destination Figures


Information for Staff


Career Resources

Staff may find the following links useful in supporting students with their careers education and find inspiration on how to bring the workplace into the classroom:

Target Careers – Careers Lesson Plans

Careers Hub Luton – Resources to Link Curriculum Learning to Careers

Step into the NHS  

Barclays Lifeskills – Resources for educators

Pearson – Resources for careers teachers

More careers resources are available in the Careers folder in the school staff shared area, including digital guides linking subjects to careers and future careerS posters that you can display in class. 


Key Dates

Year 7 Career Networking Events 2024/2025

Tutor Groups

Event Dates


Period 1: 7BBS

Period 2: 7BBA

Monday 14th October 2024


Period 1: 7BAR

Period 2: 7BAC

Tuesday 10th December 2024


Period 1: 7BAE

Period 2: 7BBE

Wednesday 12th February 2025


Period 1: 7BAS

Period 2: 7BBR

Thursday 1st  May 2025


Period 1: RAC

Period 2: RBA

Friday 11th July 2025


Information for Employers and Businesses

Our school values opportunities to engage with employers and organisations from all industries. We understand that employers are increasingly keen to work with schools and we are eager to collaborate with more businesses to support our students in understanding the labour market and opportunities available.  If you would like to take part in or have any questions about our career events, or if you would like to organise an event with our school, please do not hesitate to contact Miss J. Lam on 01582 576561 or email



Our Year 7 Career Networking events have been a successful feature on our careers programme, connecting our students to local businesses and organisations, allowing them to develop confidence, professional communication skills and get them thinking about their own career paths.

We always welcome new volunteers to join us for the event. If you would like to book any of the following dates or have any questions, please contact Miss J. Lam on 01582 576561 or email


Year 7 Career Networking Events 2023/2024

Tutor Groups

Event Dates


Period 1: RBC

Period 2: RAS

Thursday 19th October 2023


Period 1: RBE

Period 2: RAR

Wednesday 13th Dec 2023


Period 1: RAA

Period 2: RBS

Friday 16th Feb 2024


Period 1: RAE

Period 2: RBR

Tuesday 23rd April 2024


Period 1: RAC

Period 2: RBA

Monday 1st July 2024


Measuring Impact

The school’s careers programme is evaluated through analysing destinations data and surveys. Reviews are collected after each career event from the students, staff and employers involved to measure the impact it has had on all parties. Feedback can be found in the event write ups on this page.

Parental views are valued and we always welcome feedback and support in improving our careers programme. During your child’s time at Icknield, you may be asked to complete a short survey to help us evaluate our provision, we hope you will be able to support us with.


The results of our previous Parent Evaluation are available here.


Objectives for academic year 2023/2024:



Promote and increase careers education in the curriculum across all year groups.


All students should confidently know where their options/GCSES can take them.


Promote and engage SEND learners with more careers education and opportunities.


All SEND learners should feel prepared for their post-16 transition and have a better awareness of the labour market.


Increase opportunities for work place visits.


All students will have at least 1 meaningful experience of a work place by Year 11.



Contact Us


Should you require further information or simply wish to address some questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Mr K. Ahmed – Deputy Headteacher & Careers Lead


Phone: 01582 576561

Miss J. Lam – Work Related Learning Co-ordinator


Phone: 01582 576561