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Raising the achievement of All

Curriculum Overview


Curriculum at Icknield High School


Our Curriculum Vision

‘Raising the Achievement of All’

At Icknield High School we offer a curriculum where every student, regardless of background, is given the opportunity to be successful in whatever pathway they choose. We believe that nothing should hold a child back from pursuing their talents and passions.  

We follow a knowledge-rich curriculum, and believe students are entitled to ‘powerful knowledge’ which helps them go beyond their individual experiences. We are committed to ensuring that students gain a knowledge base that is: 


Well-sequenced- with core knowledge mapped across the curriculum, linked to prior learning, and concepts building on one another to help develop a rich-schema.  

Contextualised/inclusive- with knowledge linked to our local context as well as the wider world so that it is given meaning beyond the classroom. 

Ambitious- all students are provided with the best resources so they can fully access the curriculum at the appropriate level which promotes high levels of success. 


Key stage 3

The curriculum at key stage 3 is designed to build on learning undertaken at key stage 2. We address any evident gaps in knowledge when students join us in year 7. We work very closely with our main feeder schools to ensure we understand their curriculum and outcomes so no time is wasted. There is a strong focus on literacy, reading and mathematics for students of all abilities, but in particular for the many students who have outcomes below national average when they first arrive at Icknield. The decision to include an extra literacy period in year 7 is as a result of this, and we are confident that our key stage 3 curriculum provides students with the foundation knowledge needed to access the academically challenging key stage 4 programmes of study.

The hours allocated for each subject over a two-week period in key stage 3 (year 7, 8 and 9) are as follows: 


Year 7


Year 8 & 9





























Visual Arts


Visual Arts


Physical Education


Physical Education


Design Technology


Design Technology


Food Technology


Food Technology






Ethics and Philosophy


Ethics and Philosophy










Extra Literacy





Key stage 4

At key stage 4 the curriculum builds upon the foundation work undertaken at key stage 3. We do this by ensuring that students develop a deeper and more insightful understanding of the core knowledge underpinning their subjects. Whilst academic rigour is at the heart of our curriculum, we also recognise the importance of students continuing to access the wider curriculum beyond the restraints of the GCSE specifications. There continues to be a strong focus on Literacy, Reading and Mathematics for students of all abilities at key stage 4.


At key stage 4 all students follow a core curriculum which includes: English, Mathematics, Science, Core Physical Education, PSHE and a Visual Art subject of their choice. The following option subjects are also available for students to select as an open choice: Business Studies, Computer Science, Design Technology, Food Technology, French, Geography, German, Health & Social Care, History, Spanish, Sport science, Sport studies and Music. Based on students’ performance during key stage 3 students are placed on the most appropriate pathway to ensure all students leave with the best possible outcomes. Where students have been identified as at risk of failing their core subjects, they are guided to have additional time in core subjects, whilst keeping the Ebacc pathway option open to all. We do this because as we know it gives these students the best possible life chances and opens more opportunities for them at post-16 level.


The hours allocated for GCSE subjects are as follows:


Year 10


Year 11

GCSE choices


GCSE choices






English Language & Literature


English Language & Literature


Science (Combined/Triple)


Science (Combined/Triple)






Visual Arts


Visual Arts


Language or additional core time or curriculum support (Target grades 1- 3)


Language or additional core time or curriculum support (Target grades 1- 3)


History or Geography


History or Geography


Open choice


Open choice







An overview of the curriculum for all subjects across all year groups can be found in the curriculum section of the website.


Special Needs Provision

The School aims to fully support each student to achieve their potential. In regular lessons, support is provided by teaching and support staff. We also provide individual and small group teaching for students with learning difficulties. There are well equipped teaching rooms provided with specialist resources, including computers/laptops, to assist students in developing their skills. All students with learning difficulties are encouraged to use these facilities during lunchtimes with staff support. Students with Education, Health and Care Plans are supported through allocation of specialist staff time and provision is monitored by officers of the Local Authority. This special provision is overseen by a member of the leadership team and coordinated by our SENDCO who, in association with the Curriculum & Pastoral Leader, monitors the progress of students and liaises closely with parents. All teaching staff are provided with the relevant information to support students in the classroom so they can achieve the highest possible outcomes. The students are also supported through additional targeted interventions based on their needs.


Religious Education

We endeavour to provide opportunities for all students to acquire knowledge about and understanding of major world faiths, and to reflect on and respond to human experiences. Students are taught about key religious beliefs and the importance of religious founders. All units are linked to the locally agreed syllabus and cover the six major world religions.


Careers Guidance

At Icknield High School, we encourage our students to always look towards the future. We are dedicated in helping young people create a foundation that will allow them to prosper after they graduate and look forward to a thriving and enduring career life. Our students have access to a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme, that explores opportunities beyond high school, develop students' employability skills and support them with a wider and relevant context for learning. Students also receive impartial careers guidance at key stages to support them to exploring their options and making informed decisions. For greater success, we encourage students to take responsibility of their own career plan and take advantage of all the resources and events organised by our staff and career links.


Each year group has a careers programme designed to suit their needs. The programme for our Year 7 students is focused on introducing them to the world of work and raising awareness about their skills, interests, and strengths. Our Year 7 Careers Networking sessions are a fun and interactive way to inspire them to think about their own future, by meeting role models from the working world. As students’ progress at Icknield, they will engage in learning and activities that are relevant to the different stages of their school life, with opportunities to take part in employer workshops, attend further and higher education taster days, career fairs, mock interviews, and practise application and cv writing skills.


By the end of Year 11, we hope that our students will be confident and prepared to begin their post-16 transition and go on to achieve their goals.


Relationships, Sex and Health Education

We want all children to grow up healthy, happy, safe, and able to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain. That is why, since September 2020, all secondary age children are expected to be taught Relationships, Sex and Health Education. These subjects are designed to equip your child with knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life. The world for all young people looks very different from the way it did 20 years ago when this curriculum was last updated – these changes bring the content into the 21st century, so that it is relevant for your child. The school will have flexibility to deliver the content in a way that is age and developmentally appropriate and sensitive to the needs and religious background of its students. Relationships and Sex Education will build on the teaching at primary schools. It aims to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds. The school will cover what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like and what makes a good friend, colleague and successful marriage or committed relationship. At the appropriate time, the focus will move to developing intimate relationships, to equip your child with knowledge they need to make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress through adult life. Health Education aims to give your child the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing, to recognise issues in themselves and others, and to seek support as early as possible when issues arise.