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GSO Test

Raising the achievement of All


Our aim is for Icknield Students in Mathematics to develop their appreciation for Mathematics by

  • Allowing all students to explore problems, test different strategies to reach a conclusion, whilst developing their reasoning and justification skills and applying them in a range of contexts.
  • Becoming more fluent in their Mathematical skills and knowledge to confidently apply them in routine and non-routine scenarios, while these scenarios increase in complexity.
  • Being able to make connections with concepts across topics and subjects, applying these to real-life situation

We will ensure this happens by providing a 

Well sequenced, aspirational curriculum with opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom. This curriculum will allow students to build a deeper understanding of concepts and make links to understanding the world we live in. It will ensure opportunities for literacy are provided to strengthen knowledge, depth and understanding of key concepts.


Key Stage 3


Year 7 

Year 8

Year 9


Key Stage 4


Year 10

Year 11