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GSO Test

Raising the achievement of All

Most Able - Visual Arts

In Visual Arts, A most able pupil…

  • Can produce a high standard in their work through a range of different media/or be extraordinarily talented in one style or use of media.
  • Displays a high level of imagination, recording and observational skills.
  • Is able to thoroughly replicate an image or idea.
  • Is confident and sensitive using a whole range of materials and techniques
  • Seeks to experiment and challenge new ideas and techniques
  • Has an interest in researching/discovering artist’s work, techniques and new processes in the subject.
  • Has an interest, almost an obsession, with visual recording, matching the world around them to images which they create;
  • Has the ability to use their experience and is keen to try out alternative solutions to problems set.
  • Is able to build contextual reasoning behind their ideas adding a deeper meaning.
  • Possess or readily acquires draughtsmanship, manual and physical                       skills/techniques needed to convey his/her message.
  • Is able to work independently and is able to persevere until successful completion.
  • Has the ability to relate symbols to reality and to make expressive judgements.
  • Can make judgements about their own work and the work of others showing understanding and demonstration of a critical appraisal.
  • Is open to exploring new ideas and ways of working.
  • Is able to teach others new techniques and ideas.
  • Is highly motivated showing a special interest in the subject.


Most able Visual Arts students are provided a range of opportunities within the curriculum and via extracurricular activities such as:

  • A range of exhibitions which celebrate students work.
  • Most able students are regularly challenged by their teacher to improve their work.
  • Where appropriate, grouping most able students to encourage higher level thinking.
  • Educational trips
  • Afterschool Helpline - provides students the opportunity to ask further questions about their work and how to improve it.

Galleries to visit in relation to Visual Art:

  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • National Gallery
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Tate Modern
  • Tate Britain
  • Hayward Gallery
  • The British Museum
  • Saatchi Gallery
  • Barbican Gallery
  • Institute of Contemporary Arts
  • Royal Academy of Arts
  • Whitechapel Gallery
  • The Photographers’ Gallery.

What can I do to help my most able child progress in Visual Art?

  • Encourage them to create their own work that follows their own natural interests.
  • Gallery visits (see list of external organisations for inspiration)
  • External Observational drawing classes
  • Encouraging your child to attend helpline afterschool
  • Encourage them to keep a sketchbook where they record ideas and their drawings


Reading list – ( is a great place to buy second-hand art books)

‘Read this if you want to take great photographs’ by Henry Carroll

‘Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils in Art’ – Kim Earle

‘Setting up your shots’ – Jeremy Vineyard

‘Successful drawing’ – Andrew Loomis

‘Keys to Drawing’ – Bert Dodson

‘Drawing on the right side of the brain’ – Betty Edwards

‘Hand Lettering: Creative Alphabets for Any Occasion’ - Thy Doan