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Raising the achievement of All

Most Able - PE

Icknield High School PE department is committed to supporting Most Able students within the curriculum.

The Most Able programmes aim to identify students who excel in PE to help support them to reach their potential and provide them with great sporting opportunities.

The criteria for been identified as most able in PE


Key Stage 3 Criteria for Most Able

  • Attain an average of mastering and above in line with our assessment policy across a range of activities.
  • Play a definitive high standard in a particular sport/activity recognised by playing for a particular club or representing academy/county/regional/national/international level.
  • Leadership – Display high levels of leadership qualities consistently throughout their PE lessons.

Key Stage 4 Criteria for Most Able (Practically)

  • Attaining a grade of Level 2 Merit and above in their practical assessments at Examination PE level across a range of sports, both individual and team.
  • Play a definitive high standard in a particular sport/activity recognised by playing for a particular club or representing academy/ county/ regional/ national/international level.
  • Coaching / officiating at a club or particular standard with recognised coaching/officiating qualifications.
  • Leadership – Display high levels of leadership qualities consistently throughout their PE lessons.

Key Stage 4 Criteria for Most Able (theoretically)

Exam and coursework scores / marks consistently at a Level 2 Merit or above for Examination PE. Students should be consistently displaying a thorough understanding of the theoretical aspects of PE and sport and able to link these to practical aspects.


Monitoring and Opportunities

Once selected and put on to the most able register, students are monitored throughout the year to ensure they are progressing towards their potential as well as continuing to meet the most able criteria.

The PE department provides students with lots of opportunities to continue to excel in PE and showing them pathways in the sport post 16. Some of the opportunities that are provided for most able students are:

  • Becoming a PE badge holder – recognition to students on our Most Able register by being awarded our PE Badge.
  • Badge Holders Tournament – Most Able, along with other badge holders will be given the opportunity to take part in our termly Sports Afternoon. Throughout this tournament students will work with students from across all year groups and experience a range of different sports.
  • First refusal on PE reward trips – The PE department run regular reward trips to watch a variety of professional sports. Letters will be issued a day earlier to our Most Able Students.
  • To take part in our wide rand or extracurricular activities and sports teams – Extra Curricular Activities run on a daily basis at both lunch and after school. Students have the opportunity to compete in the Luton Leagues as well as county and national competitions.
  • Annual university most able trip – Most Able students are given the opportunity to visit local universities.
  • Leadership Academy – Most Able may be selected to become a member of our extremely successful Leadership Academy. Throughout this they will receive training and complete the Level 1 Sports Leaders Award, as well as work with local schools to lead a variety of sports for Primary and Secondary school students.

How parents can supports their children


Please ensure that your child has full and correct PE kit for all lessons.

If your child is considering studying examination PE, we would strongly advise that they are regularly playing sport outside of school. Students are assessed in both team sports and individual sports, so a broad range of sporting experiences can be extremely beneficial.

Encourage students to both watch and read about sports on a regular basis to increase their knowledge about current affairs in the sporting world. This is particularly important for students completing OCR Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies or Sports Science.

Useful links/Website:


Follow us on Twitter @IcknieldPE

Follow us on Instagram @icknieldpedept  & following on Twitter @TrishanCoach

If you would like to know further information about our Most Able programme in PE, please contact Miss Moffat -