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Raising the achievement of All

Pastoral CARE

We have 1450 students on roll with 290 in each year group. Each year group has its own tie colour which they keep for the entire five years.

The pastoral system is the bedrock of the School. Each student will be in a tutor group with approximately 30 other children. The tutor is the first point of contact for parents as they see the students on a daily basis. Each year group has a pastoral leader and pastoral support officer, who lead a team of ten tutors. We also have a transition officer and a family support worker.

SISPO (Student Individual Support Plan Office) provides a unique facility that is run by highly trained staff offering a range of support for students. We have a trained counsellor on site 3 days per week and use a variety of external agencies to support our students.

There is a strong culture of ‘fairness’ and ‘justice’ in the School – our CARES values are embedded and understood. Students are given a wide breadth of information, guidance and support strategies to help them develop as responsible citizens – making them fully aware of equality laws, anti-bullying, e-safety, personal safety, CSE/FGM and radicalisation issues. In addition to support our diverse demographic catchment, we promote tolerance for different cultures and a respect for ‘Fundamental British Values’; bullying and racism are not tolerated.

“Pupils feel safe in school …. Pupils respect each other’s differences” (Ofsted 2016)