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Homework is recognised as an integral part of the learning experience at Icknield High School. Research shows that a well-managed homework programme helps students to develop the skills and attitudes they need to become successful lifelong learners.

Why do we set homework?


  • It helps students to consolidate their learning outside of the classroom.
  • It helps students learn important life skills such as time management, problem solving and organisation.
  • It helps them to become independent learners.
  • It helps teachers determine how well their students have understood key knowledge and what they need to revisit.
  • It gives parents a chance to see what their children are learning at school and take an active role in their education.

What types of homework can students expect to receive?


We are not prescriptive in telling our subject teachers what homework they should set; we believe it is down to each subject lead to decide which types of homework are best suited to their curriculum model.

Having said this, it is likely that the homework set will fall under one of the following categories:

  • Consolidation of learning through revision based activities. These may be in the form of quizzes and/or extended writing pieces.
  • Research based projects to help support the learning that is taking place in lessons. These are often interwoven to allow students to revisit work from previous terms.
  • Research based projects to help students prepare for lessons (sometimes called flipped learning).

Where can I find the homework which has been set?


All homework is set on Teams, it is an amazing piece of software which allows both students and parents to see the homework being set by their teacher.  Parents will be able to access the homework through Edulink.

Teachers can set a range of different tasks on the software including quizzes and spelling tests. They can also attach documents to support with the learning.

What are the sanctions for not completing homework?


In addition to class teachers and the year rooms setting detentions and/or ringing home when a piece of homework is not completed, letters will also be sent home to parents from a member of the Senior Leadership team when students receive two or more missing homework marks in the space of a week. If students continue to miss homework after this, parents will be invited in to discuss how the school can support their child in completing their homework.

What support is available to help students to complete their homework?


If students need a quiet learning environment to complete their homework, the Learning Resource Centre is open as follows:

  • 8.00am-8.30am every weekday morning.
  • 3.10pm-5.00pm every Monday-Thursday.
  • 3.10pm-4.30pm every Friday.

There are numerous core texts, revision guides and computers available in the Learning Resource Centre to support students with their work. If they are still struggling, students should speak to their class teacher who are subject experts and will be able to support them.

Homework Timetable


Key Stage 3 Homework Timetable 2024 - 2025

Key Stage 4 Homework Timetable 2024 - 2025