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Curriculum Maps

The curriculum maps are divided into the following sections: 


Key Questions: each unit of work will present some key questions that are designed to stimulate curiosity and resonate beyond the immediate lesson content. 

Content: the knowledge, the ‘what’ of each subject. We want to ensure that there is a coherent sequence through the subject that powerful knowledge can be remembered. Sequencing the curriculum is about the relationships and connections between each module therefore knowledge at each stage is a foundation for the next. 

Expertise: the skills needed for students to be successful in the subject. The ‘how’ of each subject, the application of that knowledge often linked to our local context as well as the wider world so that it is given meaning beyond the classroom. 

Literacy / Numeracy / Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development: How this unit supports students to build cross-curricular numeracy and literacy skills and also to be reflective thinkers, appreciating values, morals and ethics.