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GSO Test

Raising the achievement of All

Health and Social Care

Our aim is for students to develop their interest in health, social care and early years; drawing together areas of knowledge, skills and understanding related to the health, social care and early years sectors. Students will learn to have their say in matters of society e.g. human rights, health and well being and equality and diversity. We will do this by:

  • Developing higher order thinking skills;
  • Increasing an understanding of the health, social care and early years sectors to develop as effective and independent learners;
  • Understanding aspects of personal development and the health, social care and early years sectors by investigating and evaluating a range of services and organisations;
  • Examining issues that affect the nature and quality of human life, including an appreciation of diversity and culture;
  • Developing skills, aptitudes and values for employment in the health, social care and early years sectors;
  • Developing a critical and analytical approach to decision making and problem solving .


This will be achieved through studying a well-sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum with projects that allow students to make links to prior learning through interleaving and further progressing their skills. Opportunities of discovering new knowledge will be created e.g. through research, investigations, analysis and evaluation.

The contextualized/inclusive and challenging curriculum, will allow students to be able to draw upon background knowledge from home and the media and the powerful knowledge gained in the classroom and be able to demonstrate the ability to offer reasoning and logical thinking and the ability to analyse and question concepts and ideas.

We will enable students to be ambitious and to develop their disciplinary skills such as source analysis, the ability to hold a reasoned argument with empathy. We want our students to feel challenged enough to produce products and portfolios that they can be proud of.


Key Stage 4


Year 10

Year 11