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Most Able - Design Technology

The characteristics/criteria for a MA student in the specific subject

Most Able students in Design & Technology will have a love for the subject which will shine through and be evident in the work they produce. Below is a list of characteristics Most Able students may show. A Most Able student does not need to meet all criteria's below but will need to demonstrate most of the following:

  • Has a creative nature
  • Willingness to develop their drawing skills
  • Willingness to develop their practical skills
  • Has a keen interest in Design & Technology
  • A Problem solver – through questioning and experimenting
  • Has a keen interest in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths
  • Is aware of technological changes going on around the world
  • Ability to link theory elements to practical areas
  • Has great attention to detail
  • Interested in extra-curricular activities and visiting galleries/exhibitions
  • Aware of the impact design & technology has on the world
  • An independent explorer who shows interest outside of school
  • Is able to learn and operate independently CAD/CAM packages
  • Understands that practise will develop
  • Confidence in using machinery, tools and equipment
  • Is able to make cross-curricular links with other subjects
  • Is able to help, plan and organise tasks effectively

Links to subject specific external organisations


Opportunities for MA students within the curriculum and extra curricular opportunities


Opportunities In class

Students will have the opportunities for differentiation by outcome, pace, task, dialogue and support with their work. Teachers use a variety of ways to push students such as using challenging questions, competitions and mini projects. This is very important at Key Stage 4 when project work allow each student to use their skills and creativity to the full. Students can be expected to discuss and explain how they approach their tasks in order to encourage them to stretch themselves and achieve their full potential. Solving real life problems gives Most Able students the opportunity to which enables them to become independent problem solvers which will help them in the future. Students are exposed to a vast range of machinery, tools & equipment's which enables critical thinking and introduces how technology can be used to change/improve everyday lives.

Extra-curricular Opportunities

  • Students can get the most out of Design & Technology by completing open ended design tasks
  • look at existing designs and finding out about new developments in the world of Design.
  • Teaching themselves how to use different 2-D and 3-D program is also an excellent way learning how to create things and understand how things are made.
  • Lunch time sessions to develop their practical or CAD/CAM skills
  • Design Ventura competition
  • Design a bookmark competition for World Book Day


A ‘What parents can do to help their MA child’ including a reading list

There many things you can do to support your child. Below is a list on how to;

  • Make sure there are a range of drawing material/equipment at home.
  • Support with their reading – online and hardback copy
  • Encourage visiting museums and galleries
  • Encourage questioning of DT even if they are not heavily invested in it
  • Have simple things to encourage your child to work in 3-D available like scissors, card, glue, etc. You don't need a workshop to make things.
  • Most designing is now done on computers. Help your child access free 3-D and 2-D programs.
  • Encourage your child to find out about design online. Promoting independency.
  • Talk with your child on the changes of technology over the past years and its impact on society/environment
  • What problems can be solved around the house to help promote independent thinking
  • Discuss how the 6R’s - Reduce, Recycle, Repair, Rethink, Reuse, Refuse can be implemented into your everyday lives.

Reading list

  • Grade 9-1 GCSE Design & Technology AQA All-in-One Complete Revision and Practice (with free flashcard download) (Collins GCSE 9-1 Revision) New Grade 9-1 GCSE Design & Technology AQA Revision Question Cards from CGP is a fun way of revising before tests and exams but making your own is even better. There are many blank ones to choose from and they can also be bought in the school reprographics shop.
  • New Grade 9-1 GCSE Design & Technology AQA Revision Guide (CGP GCSE D&T 9-1 Revision)
  • PG - AQA GCSE Design & Technology
  • Design week magazine/online
  • Creative review Magazine
  • Make Magazine
  • Icon Magazine – International Design, Architecture and Culture -
  • TED Talks