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Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Icknield High School – a message from the Headteacher

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Icknield High School.John Noble - Headteacher

It is a privilege to be the Headteacher of Icknield High School. We are justifiably proud of our excellent reputation for academic achievement, inspirational teaching and high quality pastoral support. We have a rich history, clear identity and extremely strong community.

In 2022 our students have achieved exceptional examination results, which are our best ever, and they deserve to be very proud of their GCSE grades. They were the first-year group in 3 years to sit external examinations, and they more than rose to the challenge. The outcomes rank the school in the top 10% in the country for GCSE outcomes.

Educating children is both a responsibility and a privilege and, at Icknield High School, we are extremely ambitious for our students’ futures and take our commitments very seriously.

We aim to ensure that our students have access to the best possible opportunities and experiences during their education, so that they can reach their full potential and are better prepared for the future. Our work is focused on developing and celebrating students as individuals and not just as learners. Every student is encouraged to: find and nurture their talents, believe in themselves and the difference they can make in the world, and seek to be the very best they can be in all endeavours. We are proud that our students leave us equipped with the personal qualities and academic qualifications to lead happy, successful lives, often achieving more than they believed possible.

The school is proud of its inclusive and purposeful ethos and our students are at the heart of every decision. Everything we do is about ensuring their experiences here help them to develop in a caring, supportive and safe environment with a strong pastoral structure at the centre of the school. We believe an exceptional education is about doing the simple things that work, doing them well, and doing them all the time. We don’t overcomplicate things. At Icknield High School, things are simple: teachers teach, and students learn.

Icknield High School fosters a culture of high standards and expectations for all with regards to learning, behaviour and aspirations. It is our expectation that students have respect, integrity, maturity and pride in themselves and the school.

I hope that by reading our prospectus or browsing our website you get a sense of what we offer, what we stand for and what we can achieve together.

John Noble
