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GSO Test

Raising the achievement of All


 Our aim is that students will foster a lifelong love and appreciation of History by :

  • Developing an awareness of how our shared History makes us who we are today to engender a sense of identity.
  • Understanding their place in the wider world and in History as a whole and their duty towards it
  • Developing empathy with an understanding of others actions, beliefs and behaviours across a variety of time periods and cultures within our contextualised and inclusive curriculum


Our aim in History is for our students to develop a well-sequenced chronological understanding of the past and of disparate cultures around the world and how they have all impacted on each other to create modern Britain.

Students should be able to identify and explain change and continuity over time as well as the significance of key turning points and individuals.

Our ambitious curriculum will enable students to develop their disciplinary skills such as source analysis, the development of a sustained argument and an empathy with different interpretations of the past. 


Key Stage 3


Year 7

 Year 8

Year 9

Key Stage 4


Year 10

Year 11