Welcome to Icknield In Year Transition
For Students joining any Year Group during the Academic Year 2024-25
Dear Student,
We are delighted that you have picked Icknield High School as your new Secondary School.
We understand that moving to a new secondary school can be a very exciting yet also a daunting experience for many students. Our staff understand this and will work closely with your Parents/Carers and current school to try to make transition into our school as easy as possible.
You must be excited to know what school life is like here at Icknield. Please take the time to look at our website and talk to current students if you know any, so you can begin to get a sense of your new school and what it will be like when you start with us.
If you have received a letter confirming your place at Icknield, please contact us immediately to arrange the necessary appointments.
01582 576 561
Year 7 (Blue Tie) Pastoral Support Officers Mrs J Herdman x291
Year 8 (Red Tie) Pastoral Support Officer Miss Kelleher x273
Year 9 (Green Tie) Pastoral Support Officer Ms McCabe x287
Year 10 (Silver Tie) Pastoral Support Officer Miss Edge x285
Year 11 (Yellow Tie) Pastoral Support Officer Mrs Hardman x289