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GSO Test

Raising the achievement of All


We recognise that English has an important place in education and society, as it underpins learning in other subjects and supports students in navigating the world.


We aim to deliver:

  • An academically ambitious and inclusive curriculum, with contextualised text choices from a range of different genres, authors and eras that enable students to broaden their cultural literacy and understanding of the world. We want our students to be confident and critical readers, who can access rich literature and language for both study and pleasure.
  • A cumulative and sequenced approach to writing, where rules of grammar are taught discreetly and students develop their knowledge of different writing forms and styles for a range of audiences and purposes. We want our students to be creative and accurate writers, who can express their thoughts and ideas with clarity and purpose.
  • Regular opportunities to develop students’ spoken language and listening skills. We want our students to be articulate speakers who can communicate their ideas and emotions with confidence.


Our aim is to deliver a high quality English education which promotes high standards of literacy and fosters a life long love of literature and language.


Key Stage 3


Year 7 

Year 8

Year 9


Key Stage 4


Year 10

Year 11

 Super Curriculum


English Super Curriculum