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Raising the achievement of All

MFL - French

Our aim is to deliver a rich and inspiring curriculum which gives every student the opportunity to understand and communicate in a foreign language.

Through the 3 pillars of progression: phonics, vocabulary and grammar, students will gain a strong phonetic and grammatical knowledge. That enables them to understand the structure of the language and converse confidently providing a reinforcement of many literacy skills from their first language.

Students are able to work not only with individual items of vocabulary but they also learn how to manipulate grammar to allow them to personalise information and retain core phrases that can be recycled in a large number of situations.

In addition to their linguistic development, students also gain an insight into other cultures and ways of life, thus broadening their global awareness.

We passionately believe that our students should sample a wealth of exciting new experiences to broaden their horizons, open doors of opportunity, provide hope and aspiration for all, regardless of their circumstances. Our enrichment activities aim to further equip students with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

It is our hope and intention that these indispensable skills will provide a strong foundation and ignite a passion and love of languages in students, subsequently leading to the widest range of pathways on a global scale.


Key Stage 3


Year 7

 Year 8

Year 9


Key Stage 4


Year 10

Year 11