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Raising the achievement of All



 At Icknield High School, we provide a wide range of opportunities for all students to develop as confident and successful learners with high aspirations who are able to make positive contributions to their community and beyond. As well as ensuring both coverage and progression, the curriculum is thoughtfully designed to provide broad, balanced, deep and contextualised learning experiences.

The curriculum intent of our PSHE lessons is to ensure our students have:

Our curriculum is inclusive and provides a stimulating environment which meets the needs of all learners irrespective of their starting points. All learners are given the opportunity to acquire knowledge, which enables them to mature, build their confidence and self-esteem, and thus empower them to make informed and appropriate choices in their lives.

Our three key themes - Relationships, Health & wellbeing and Living in the wider world - are explored throughout their 4 years of PSHE lessons. This enables our students to revisit key topics and promotes retrieval of fundamental knowledge, which is necessary to contribute effectively and confidently during class discussions or presentations.

Key Stage 3 

Key Stage 4