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Raising the achievement of All

Most Able - Geography

The characteristics/criteria for a MA student in the specific subject:


Most Able Geography students will be identified through class tests, exams and the quality of work that is evidenced by teacher marking and feedback. The characteristics of a Most Able Geographer are:

  • Learns and understands geographical ideas and concepts quickly
  • Asks challenging questions
  • High level of data analysis and interpretation
  • Draws conclusions and justification based on evidence
  • Transfers knowledge, skills and understanding to new contexts
  • Wide general/geographic knowledge; contributes wealth of ideas and information
  • A curiosity to extend their geographical learning
  • Logical, systematic approach to tasks
  • Wide geographic vocabulary
  • Self-directed


Opportunities for MA students within the curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities:


Most able trips including:

  • Climate change conferences led by University of Bedfordshire
  • Opportunities to attend training on issues such as sustainability and the future
  • Additional fieldwork opportunities
  • Challenge tasks in every lesson to encourage Most Able students to extend their learning
  • Opportunity to be involved in the extra-curricular Geography Club
  • Research homework's that provide Most Able students with the opportunity to satisfy their geographic curiosity


Links to subject specific external organisations:


Geography in the News site from the Royal Geographic Society

BBC News Science and Environment Page

World Mapper      

BBC Bitesize Geography

National Geographic


A ‘What parents can do to help their MA child’ including a reading list:

Parents can encourage students to further engage with Geographic literature through reading some of the selected books in the reading list. Some of these books are available in the school library. Also, parents can support their Most Able Geographer by keeping students aware of current affairs issues that involve Geography. For example, news stories on climate change and the transition to renewable energy sources are often big stories each week. Finally, research shows that when parents and children work collaboratively on home learning tasks it encourages a positive impact on their schoolwork.


Reading List


  • Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
  • Worth dying for by Tim Marshall
  • Divided by Tim Marshall
  • I am Malala by Malala Yousaf
  • The Carbon Diaries by Saci Lloyd
  • The Almighty Dollar by Dharshini David
  • Turning the Tide on Plastic by Lucy Siegle
  • Touching the void by Joe Simpson