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Raising the achievement of All


Geography at Icknield High School aims to inspire students with a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Students will learn knowledge-rich content covering physical, human and environmental geography through an ambitious, broad, balanced and well sequenced curriculum that continuously develops knowledge.

  • Our well sequenced curriculum emphasises the significance of human and physical geography and develops a synoptic knowledge of how the themes of geography interact with one another. Students study a range of topics through our six key themes of skills, physical, human, places, weather and biomes.
  • Our inclusive curriculum, which includes a diverse range of case studies and cultures, emphasises to students the important contextual issues facing the world today and how they may affect us in the future. Topics that students can look forward to studying include; globalisation, climate change, physical processes, geopolitics, inequality and sustainability.
  • Students will learn a wide variety of geographical skills with particular emphasis on geographic literacy, map reading including GIS, data analysis, decision making and evaluation. These skills will be developed both in the classroom and out in the field to develop geographic mastery.
  • Geographical enrichment through our range of educational visits, Geography Ambassadors programme, Geography Club and fieldwork opportunities in all year groups to encourage students to think, act and speak like Geographers, but also to promote Global Citizenship, career options and sustainability.

Our progressive, concept-based curriculum model extends beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. It has a focus on quality first teaching, retrieval and interleaving as students are given regular opportunity to revisit key knowledge throughout the curriculum. Our pedagogical approach follows the mantra of ‘provision for all’. This makes our curriculum inclusive and helps all students to learn and build links between the different aspects of Geography. This allows students to ‘think like geographers’ and enables them to understand 'the what' and 'the why' of the world. 


Key Stage 3

Year 7

 Year 8 

 Year 9

Key Stage 4


Year 10

Year 11